Monday 8 June 2020

The Man Who Pretends To Be Happy

As I have been reading books on Kindle these days, The Man Who Pretends To Be Happy was showing up in the suggestion box. The title attracted me so much that I started questioning myself as to what kind of a story would be there?
The only way to find the answer was to read it. 
While reading I realized, what a wondrous novel it is by the author Nitin Kalal.

In this book, the author has described the journey of a protagonist, named Vivan, who is a doctor by profession but later becomes a writer by choice.
The author has beautifully portrayed the adventures of Vivan's life, his college days, and especially his relationship with Jagruti, the love of his life.

Sometimes, Just a single wrong decision or a single accident can change our life so much that we become the villain of our own stories. The same happens with the protagonist, of the story, who commits a serious mistake which becomes the biggest crime or I should say, the melancholy of his life.

But, as it is said that moving on is a law of nature, Vivan tries his best in doing so but because of his past experiences and heartbreak, his emotions are dead, and his soul doesn't allow him to move on.  Even after being a doctor, he is not able to cure himself.

The end of the story brings the real climax which almost made me cry.

What I liked the most is that the author has also given a message about the importance of mental health through some of the chapters in the novel.

The intriguing narration and the writing style of the novel was the major reason for turning pages continuously

According to the content, the cover and the title of the book is very suitable.

Overall a perfect blend of love, heartbreak, mental health, and life learning experiences.

Kudos to the author, Mr. Nitin Kalal, for penning down such an amazing novel. I loved reading it.

I would give this book, 5 on 5 stars, and would recommend it to everyone.

This book is available on Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle Edition.