Tuesday 30 June 2020

Vitamin H

Ain't you thinking, what could be there in a book entitled 'Vitamin H'?
Well, with the same curiosity in my mind, I ordered this book from Amazon.  

Written by Abhishek Thakkar, Vitamin H is a marvelous collection of quotes and thoughts which are very motivating and refreshing. The book contains more than 100 quotes and each quote gives a strong and deep message. While reading, I was in complete awe as every thought was touching my heart.

The author has beautifully penned down his emotions through these exquisite quotes and thoughts.

What fancied me the most about the book is that all the quotes have been placed tactfully as per the days. It seems like, the author has scripted his speculations in the forms of quotes.

The quote I liked the most was the one written on  DAY 47, " People may have been mean to you, but that's them. Those people have already written their story and it is full of thorns......."
With such significant thoughts, the author has tried to give a positive message to his readers.

The language is very easy to comprehend. No doubt, you'll be able to understand each line and it's meaning clearly.
Also, I liked the cover of the book as it is quite simple yet appealing.

Vitamins are good for physical health as they make our body strong but this Vitamin H is good for anyone's mental health.

I would surely recommend you to buy this book. Just like the medicine, you can take up one thought per day and try to implement the advice or suggestions given through them to stay motivated.

I'll give this book 5/5 stars.

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