Tuesday 8 December 2020

Blooming Buds

Super happy to have come across the anthology of poems entitled, Blooming Buds.

This book includes writings of 24 Students of Telangana State Model School & Junior College.

Students are said to be the victors of various conflicting situations.

Through this book, they had tried to utilize all such situations with abundant optimism and have come out with flying colors. Their poetry intends at the amelioration of the world. Their approach towards life reveals their eminence.

Some of the poems like, Salute to Godlyy teacher, none will survive, life without hapinness and fearless hearts, really touched my heart. The students have shown their creativity and their attitute towrds life with the help of such beautiful poems.

Madha Rachana says in her first poem. “Poetry comes from the heart It melts the readers’ hearts”. I couldn’t agree more on it.

All the poems have been jotted down in a very simple yet beautiful manner.

I truly acknowledge the interest of these shining stars in writing poems of English on enhanced and elevated themes.

'Blooming Buds' is a very apt and perfect title that is given to the book.

Kudos to Mr. Chandra Shekar Pendoti and the entire staff of Telangana District school for motivating and encouraging students.

I would definitely recommend this book to each one of you. Do read.

5/5 stars 

Get your copy from Amazon

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