Sunday 9 February 2020

Best Recommendation

I needed some guidance so that I can learn about poetry writing and therefore one of my friends recommended me to read this book titled as THERE IS A POET IN EVERYONE.  

This is a very informative book from which a beginner poet can gain a hell lot of knowledge. More than fifty different forms of Poetry are there and I wonder how each form is explained in such an easy way, by the author. 
I was amazed after having read the Abecedarian Poetry. What happens in this form is that each line starts with the alphabet in alphabetical order. Like, the first letter of the first line will start with A, second with B, and so on, which means that the poem will have 26 lines. Like: 
"Alas, I have lost, 
Brutally, from thyself, 
Ceasing, to exist now, 
Duped Determination....."

I was so happy after learning this form.
There are many other startling forms like Acrostic, Etheree, Free Verse, Quatrain, SESTINA, etc. 

I learned more from this book than I did in any of the Creative Writing workshops.
The words are easy to follow because the language used by the poet is so straightforward and the best part is that various examples have been given to understand them in a better way. 

After finishing the whole book, I realized that the title of the book is so apt. Definitely, There is a Poet in Everyone. Also, the cover of the book is really good.

This is the best book anyone could have recommended to me.  

I would suggest that everyone should give this book a go, even if poetry isn't your thing, as you will learn a lot of creative things and will pleasantly be surprised.   

I would rate it 5/5   
Buy your copy from Amazon